Titre A Children's Oncology Group Protocol for Collecting and Banking Pediatric Research Specimens Including Rare Pediatric Tumors
Protocole ID COG-ABTR01B1
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT00898079
Type(s) de cancer Pédiatrique divers
Phase Autres
Ville Montréal
Investigateur(trice) principal(e) Dr Yvan Samson
Coordonnateur(trice) Martine Therrien
 514-345-4931 poste 3396
Statut Actif en recrutement
Critètes d'éligibilité
  • Meets any of the following criteria:
    • Diagnosed with primary neoplasm
    • Developed a second malignant neoplasm
    • Any diagnoses having an ICD-O Morphology Code ending in 1, 2, or 3 as listed in the International Classification of Disease for Oncology, Third Edition
  • Must have biological specimens including solid tumors and leukemias available
    • Solid tumors meeting the following criteria:
      • Snap frozen primary tumor OR OCT embedded primary tumor OR formalin fixed (block or tissue in formalin) primary tumor AND at least 10 unstained paraffin slides for NIH Mandated QC (tumors that have undergone central pathology review are allowed)
        • Slides for pathology review (instead of slides for QC) are required for patients with rare tumors
    • Pleural fluid or cytologic specimens meeting the following criteria:
      • At least 1 mL of fluid and at least 2 unstained cytospin slides (or 2 unstained smears)
        • Slides for pathology review (instead of slides for QC) are required for patients with rare tumors
    • ALL/AML
      • 3-6 mL of bone marrow aspirate and 10 mL of whole blood
  • Not eligible for disease-specific biology or banking protocol
Critètes d'exclusion